Saturday, January 14, 2006

My first post

My first post as a blogger. I have been reading blogs for about 6 months, now I have one. I hope I have enough interesting information to actually write stuff. My name is Michelle and I am a nurse in a neuro critical care unit. I have been a nurse for over 4 years, in critical care for over 1 year. I never thought I would specialize in neuro but here I am. I am married, it will be 10 years in June. Never thought I would get married either. Life just laughs at my plans left and right. I live in OH but this is a temporary stop. I traveled for 2 years as a nurse; worked in NC, CT and NJ before stopping here. Traveling is good unless you don't like to pack...I don't like to pack. We stopped when we were tired and here we are (plus my cats were getting tired of the car rides).

There are a lot of stories I can tell you about nursing, but there is more to life than being a nurse. Don't get me wrong, I love my job but I have a life outside work too. I am currently in school working on my bachelors in nursing with an ultimate goal of being a nurse practitioner. That is a long way off. I love to shop, purses are an addiction that I can't afford but I still try. I love to travel on vacation but we can't afford that either, at least not the places we want to go.

That is the short version of my life. I hope it is interesting, if not stay never know what will happen.


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