Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Night Shift

Night shift is amazing. I have worked night shift for over 4 years and I still think it is amazing. By night shift I mean 7pa-7am, but it can also be 11pm-7am. Consider this, when the rest of the population is busy working I am sleeping. I sleep when the sun comes up and get up when the sun goes down; especially in the winter solstice. I get to see the bad programming that is on TV at 3am, and yes it is as bad as you think.

The plus side to night shift is that the rest of the population is sleeping. Traffic is better, work is quieter and I can shut off my phone while sleeping and not feel guilty. My patients do not sleep as night like everyone thinks they do, but sometimes they are cool to talk to and the middle of the night is the perfect time.

The downside to night shift is the sleep deprivation. Webster's should come up with a new definition of sleep deprivation for it's application to night shift. I am good with 6-7 hours of sleep before my shift...no more 8-10 hour nights of sleep. On my days off I function just fine with 3-4 hours of sleep. That just shouldn't happen, what kind of life it is to be tired all the time? Of course the argument could be made for switching to day shift but when you consider making less money for more work the argument ends quickly. Caffeine is my friend, Starbucks is my other home.

Speaking of Starbucks, has anyone tried the Cinnamon Dolce Latte yet? Very yummy and highly recommended.


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