Thursday, January 19, 2006

Mean People Suck

I always wanted to get the bumper sticker that says "mean people suck". Of course that would require going to a store, cleaning my car, placing the sticker on my car and having to peel it off when I put it on crooked. Instead I just truly believe that mean people suck. I don't understand people who want to be miserable and want to make everyone around them miserable. I am all for having a cranky day every now and then but keep it at home and don't infect my aura with your screwed up energy.

I was in charge last night at work. This is a fairly new occurence for me so I am still learning. I don't really like to be in charge but since the alternative is having one of the miserable people do, it I can suck it up for 12hours. It was a busy night for 2 reasons. The first reason is day shift's bad energy floating over to our shift causing major bad energy. The second reason is miserable people. Okay three reasons....the third reason is the new computer system at work. Nurses don't like change and this is a major, over the top, please shoot me now change. A little stressful for our anal retentive selves.

At work I am so anal retentive (which I am told is borderline obsessive compulsive) but that never carries over to home. My husband is forever puzzled by this fact. At work everything is neat and orderly, at home the opposite. People who have tried to console me told me that nurses are anal by nature, I hope so. Is there an anti-anal retentive pill? Maybe we could do arial sprayings for this new computer system.

Computer programers amaze me too. When you tell them you have a problem with the new system the standard answer is "You'll get used to it, don't worry". Can I start to say that to my patients? "I know you have a brain tumor, you'll get used to it, don't worry". "I'm sorry you had a major stroke and can't talk but you'll get used to it, don't worry". "Change is good for everyone, you'll get used to being fed through a feeding tube, don't worry". I don't think I would get the same response.


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