Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The holidays always bring thoughts of family get-togethers around a big stone fireplace with a huge tree perfectly decorated and a table full of everyone's favorite foods. Of course this is the TV version of a holiday and is something that becomes an unrealistic expectation every year. Family get-togethers don't happen like they do on TV, if they even happen at all. I remember going to grandparents houses for Christmas Eve or Thanksgiving and seeing all my cousins, aunts and uncles; that time is long over. Maybe because we have all grown up and gone our separate ways. The holidays become less about family and friends and more about shopping and getting the perfect gift.

This is the first holiday that we are going to have at our house with family. For Christmas my mother, father and hopefully brother will be coming out to spend a few days. No gifts will be exchanged, we will just enjoy each others company and have fun spending time together on a holiday (this doesn't happen often). In fact, no gifts are being bought for anyone. What is the point in being stressed out about shopping for people who don't need anything? Can't love be shown with a simpler gesture? The holidays this year are going to be special and stress-free. I love the holidays but this year, I am even more excited to spend time with my family.