Thursday, June 05, 2008

A pregnancy sucks blog

Women will tell you that pregnancy is the most wonderful time of their life. They never felt better, had more energy or appreciated life more. I have to think something happens to women once they have a child and all the real pregnancy memories disappear. If that didn't happen, none of us would be here now. The reality is that pregnancy is designed to torture your body and your mind. Not only do you feel pain in places you never new could hurt, but all those regular places now hurt 100% more. Eating is a joy until you are done and the indigestion sets in to the point you might as well just vomit. The weight gain is enough to make anyone throw away all mirrors, after all, you don't recognize yourself anymore. Of course we can go into the wardrobe options...all 3 shirts which fit and no I'm not buying more in this size. The fatigue is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

Maybe I will see this precious baby's face and forget all about the mental and physical pain, I hope so. Right now, pregnancy is not fun and with 6 weeks left to go I am dreaming of an ice cold Corona (which no doubt will go right through me since my bladder is the size of a walnut). So that is the pregnancy experience from the viewpoint of someone who has yet to see the end result.


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