Saturday, April 19, 2008

Time moves on

It is a fact that time continues to move on no matter what is going on in your life. This can be a curse and a comfort at the same time. No matter what tragedy you have been through there is comfort in the fact that time does continue to move, the clock keeps ticking away. Sometimes it is a curse; how can everything continue on like nothing happened when your world has been shaken apart? All we can do is grieve the best way we know how, talk to people we love and try to continue on in life. Not always easy, but unfortunately it is the only way to survive.

One week ago I was standing in a line that made me proud. It was the line to pay respect to Nick's family. We waited for 2 1/2 hours to see his parents and tell them how much we were going to miss Nick; it was time well spent. What made me proud was seeing the huge impact Nick had on so many people, including myself. I am privileged to include myself in that large number of lives affected.

Time moves on and hurts heal slowly. Everyday brings a little relief to the pain of reality and eventually we will move on to petty things. There are still sad moments...a video posted on the internet...a conversation among friends...but eventually life will allow us to move on and be ourselves as much as possible. Maybe we will be even better for a lesson learned and friend remembered.


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