Friday, September 21, 2007

New subjects

I'm going to try something new and post both something on my mind and something happy. I realized my blogs have not been the most uplifting reading lately so I promise to post one happy thing after my short soapbox ranting...

I've noticed a disturbing trend of people disappearing. I don't mean "amber alert" disappearing, I mean disappearing from people's lives. What makes people think this is okay? Perhaps they do not consider the people left behind who can only wonder what happened? Are they okay? Are the alive? Do they need help? Are they mad?....the list goes on and on. It is rude and disrespectful to the people who thought they were your friends. Disappearing is essentially telling someone they don't matter and never did.

Now my happy post...My cat has not peed on the rug in the kitchen for 4 days. It is a huge deal and cost a lot of money to find out there was nothing wrong with him. I am thrilled this phase of our life is over , hopefully we can now move on to better things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone in particular that you are wondering about or is this an epidemic? (the disappearing friends)

5:38 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Someone in particular I used to consider an awesome friend. He had a side to him I didn't know about but as with all things eventually the truth comes out. I do wonder how he is doing and wish I could talk to him like before, but sometimes desires are unobtainable. I would love to tell him what is going on in my life but I'm sure he knows through the great healthcare (Ohio Health) grapevine.

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have sides that others don't know about...Some don't share things that are readily judged by others for certain reasons. One more thing on truths coming out : 90% of the things I AM guilty of within my workplace -- is rumor, conjecture, and fabrication from those looking through a stained glass window. Obviously, imprecise. The remaining 10% is my fallible human trait of imperfection. If it makes you feel any better - you can share with me...

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3-8-08 my myspace account was deleted because it was hacked according to TOM the myspace guy.

you know how to find me....if you want....


4:28 AM  

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