Friday, February 16, 2007

The big update

Boy, time flies when you are busy. You would think that winter would slow everything down, but not around here. Crazy busy is the best way to describe life, that is why I haven't blogged in a while. Well, busy and a lack of something to say. So here is the update for the last 3 months:
  • My brother moved in with us right before Christmas. He moved here from NY which was a difficult thing to do. I love having him here, we haven't lived near each other in 10 years, much less live with each other. Everything is going fine, we have all adjusted nicely. I was worried that the added person would affect Pete and I, but everything is good.
  • My nephew is growing like a weed. He has started smiling and laughing which is about the most adorable thing. He tries to talk but hasn't figured that out real good; of course I know what he is trying to say. I went 2 weeks without seeing him and I really believe I went through withdrawal. We are teaching him to be a good shopper.
  • I found out I passed my certification exam so I am now neuroscience certified. It is more of a personal achievement, something I worked really hard for and I am proud of myself. An added benefit is a little more money at work, not too shabby.
  • I am zeroing in on the completion of my bachelors degree, only 4 more classes! Now I just need to figure out what to do with it. I would be a lifetime student if I could, I love going to school and learning but eventually the loans catch up with you. As long as I am in school we don't have to pay the loan, but Pete doesn't see it that way. I need to decide if I want to pursue a nurse practitioner degree or see what the bachelors degree brings me. All tough choices.
  • I have been 30 for 6 months now and it hasn't been all bad. I established a list of goals I wanted to accomplish by the time I was 30 and I have had to realize that although I did not accomplish many of those goals I have accomplished many other things. Goals are a good motivator, but they can't be written in stone. Life changes and you need to change with it.
  • My grandmother is sick. She has had liver cancer for 2 years now, it is spreading and she has decided not to do chemo and radiation. So she is flying up from FL today because her condition is deteriorating so quickly. She is my last living grandparent which is kind of sad. She is also the only grandparent that I have no fond memories of, that is even sadder. My brother and I will be making a trip home to see her before she dies, but at the same time I feel a little selfish about making an extra trip home. You need to seize the opportunities when they come and I need to be thankful I get to say good-bye, unlike with my other grandparents.

So I guess that is the big update. A lot of stuff for only a few months. The good news is, we are planning a cruise for the end of March and will be sailing in the Caribbean for 5 days. At least there is something to look forward too!


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