Monday, October 16, 2006

That magical time of the year.

It is that magical time of the year again...election time. The ads hit you from every angle, everywhere you turn. The calls come into the house daily, the brochures are dropped in the mailbox. What an annoyance. Worse this year because we are voting on the governor and several congress and senator positions. All the harrassment got old about 2 months ago. The Republicans think the Democrats do everything wrong and the Democrats think the same about the Republicans. Millions and millions of dollars are pumped into the election race without a second thought; I bet there is a much more useful way to spend all that money and help a lot more people. All the election comes down to is who can lie the best and who has the most money, isn't our government great? Who will it be? The Democrats or the Republicans?


Blogger Unknown said...

The facts are as you state them. The Rich making themselves richer while sometimes getting private body guards after office. As much as you plainly describe reality - individuals still have to pick a side in life. Which ideological stance to take usually dictates where you land in the political malestrom.

Despite all the inefficiency that Democracy can bring - it still is the best form of govenrment anywhere on the globe. The impossibilities of tossing 400 million people into one country and trying to make them all agree is obvious. America has found a way to mantain a revloving door so that when one party starts to falter the other can take the lead. No other form of govenrment can do that -- they just usually collpase......

6:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Revison to US population : 300 million.

5:05 AM  

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