Sunday, September 09, 2007


Something amazing has happened over the weekend...autumn has arrived. One of my most favorite seasons to be lazy and enjoy what Mother Nature brings. The leaves will start changing color soon, the smell of leaves burning will be in the air and the weather will finally be cooler. It also marks the beginning of football season. I am not a football fan and really could do without the sport completely, but being married to a huge football fan inspires me to try and pay attention. I watch the Buckeyes play football because it seems to be a requirement around here. This year we are blessed to have the NFL package so we will literally get to watch all the football games...I forsee many Sundays spent at Easton. There will probably be some martinis in those trips.

Back to autumn, the smell in the air, the coolness in the air, the rainy days. All reasons to be lazy and non-productive. The kids going back to school, geese migrating, wearing my favorite jeans again....I love autumn. Finally we will have a month without the air conditioner running constantly and hopefully we won't need to turn on the heat. Of course I realize if autumn is here then winter is around the corner, but once winter is here then spring is around the corner. If we didn't have winter we wouldn't appreciate the other seasons.


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