Thursday, April 03, 2008


Well, a lot has happened since I last blogged. Hard to believe it has been 7 gets away from you in the winter. We all go into hibernation just waiting for that first warm day with sunshine. I will do my best to catch everyone up on almost everything....

In November we found out we are pregnant; actually, I am pregnant. It was a shock although not unplanned. I really didn't think that pregnancy was an option based on some information given to me by previous doctors. Boy would I like to call them. It took about 4 months of nature for the little miracle to happen. I am now 25 weeks into the pregnancy and not sure that I am the best pregnant person. I don't complain all the time or gush over the cutest baby clothes ever...I just don't do anything. I still have not purchased a single item for the baby and we are still calling the baby an "it". Probably going to come out with mental issues right up front. I have painted the nursery and sometimes even call it the nursery instead of the guest room. We do know we are having a boy which really surprised 99% of our friends who thought girl. So I guess I am just existing in a pregnant body...which is a whole other issue.

In December I was pretty much nauseated the whole month and worked Christmas. Not much fun really. We did have our first ultrasound the end of the month and were able to tell family about the baby for Christmas. Everyone was shocked and so happy. We sent them a recording of the heartbeat in a Build-A-Bear for Christmas. Then I spent my first sober New Years in a long is no fun being the sober one but Pete stayed sober with me which I really appreciate.

In January my cat was diagnosed with diabetes. This was a huge blow but not the end of the world like I thought. We are managing his illness with insulin and we have all changed our habits a little. Life now revolves around when Tyger needs his insulin shot and whether he needs to go the vet. Hundreds of dollars have been sunk into this cat which may explain why I haven't bought anything for the baby. It is a good thing he is the good cat and we love him.

February was a pretty normal month. I started gaining weight and trying to be okay with that, Pete tried to keep up with my eating habits. Hunger has a whole new definition when you are pregnant. It isn't the normal, "I'm hungry and think I will eat now", it is more like, "Get me food now or I will kill you". I whole new attitude influenced largely by hormones. Hormones are a funny thing, they will make you think the craziest stuff even though the truth is right in front of you. Not a day goes by that I don't tell myself, "it's just he hormones, that isn't really happening". No wonder so many mothers are crazy.

The end of February took us on a cruise which was awesome...except the no drinking. I really didn't think it would be a big deal but watching Pete drink that first day sent me into a crying fit I didn't know I was capable of. Of course it was hormone driven and poor Pete didn't drink again for 3 days despite my insistence. I didn't get sick to my stomach the whole cruise but I did have an allergy attack starting in Puerto Rico. All in all it was a great trip and I'm thankful we got one more vacation in.

March brought along a nice snowstorm on the very day we were to find out the gender of the baby. I was so upset to have to cancel the appointment, not because of finding out the gender but this is the only was to really 'see' the baby and know it is okay. I think being a nurse and being pregnant is a double curse simply because I know all the things that can go wrong and of courses expect everyone of them to happen. We were able to reschedule for a time when my mother was in town so she was able to go see the ultrasound with us. What a blessing to be able to see that person inside you moving and good has a brain. Of course it's mouth was moving the entire ultrasound so Pete says it will no doubt take after me which I think is a positive not a negative.

The people who say that pregnancy is the best time of their lives are liars. I don't like these people simply because they fill those of us who are naive with hope that this journey isn't all that bad. Maybe it is a little different because I am over 30 or maybe I am a wuss, who knows but this has not been the best experience of my life. I am thankful that I am able to have a baby and help produce the next generation I just wish the side effects weren't so in your face.

I am thankful to have Pete in my life and to know that we will achieve parenthood together. When I consider how I would manage without him I realize that I wouldn't. We have more than a marriage, we have a bond and a true friendship. One more thing, now he is never getting rid of me because now we have a kid.


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