Friday, September 12, 2008

What I've Learned in 59 Days.

Well, tomorrow marks two months since little man was born. It has been a learning experience, complete with a huge learning curve. Thank goodness babies are resilient. Here are some more pearls of wisdom I have learned:

1. There truly is nothing more precious than a baby who is falling asleep, asleep or smiling and laughing. It will melt your heart and make all those other times bearable.

2. I can function quite well on 3 hours of sleep. Even better if that 3 hours is in a row.

3. A sideways cradle swing is the best purchase you can ever make. Buy a lot of batteries too, you will need them.

4. Babies generate a lot of laundry, more than you might think possible. Don't wait until the basket is full...their outfits are small and build up quickly.

5. Once you get "itsy bitsy spider" in your head you will never get it out.

6. It is important to let people help you; especially grandparents who love him almost as much as I do.

7. Your whole perspective on life will change and all the little dramas from before really don't matter after all.

8. Don't leave bottles or formula soaked cloths laying around...the cats will lick them and then puke.

9. When you start exercising go slow. You are not at your pre-pregnancy fitness level.

10. I am not a morning person. I am not a sunrise person, give me a sunset any day. No matter how many days you are up before the sun it doesn't get better or easier. Taking naps on the couch is priceless.

Friday, September 05, 2008


I have spent a lot of time blogging about friends simply because they are an important part of my life. Many times they break my heart and just as many times I am surprised at the wonderful friends I have. No time tests a friendship like a major life change. Who is there to support you and who disappears when you need them most? The answer may surprise you, it kind of surprised me.

Amazing how you can have friends who you consider to be special and awesome, that is until you need something. They are quite good at taking but not so good at giving. There are promises given before your life changing event, but when all is said and done they are no where to be found. Suddenly you realize that you spent all that time and energy on a hopeless situation. 5 wasted years...well, not wasted but definitely not used fully.

Then you have the friends who just kind of forget about you. Take a few weeks off from work and you never hear from them. When all you want is a simple, "hey, how are you doing?" or "I miss you", or maybe "I was thinking about you today". None of that comes your way and you realize that those friendships were one-sided as well. Especially when you hear through the grapevine that these people are discussing you while you are gone. Nice touch and thanks for that icing on the cake.

Something that I am thankful for is the many people who have come over to visit, called or even just sent a simple text message to say they miss me. Those are friends. People that I never expected to be available and so willing to help have been here more than my "friends". And don't forget the friend you can call at your worst moment and know that it will be okay simply because you talked to them. Thank you Cindy!

So I have learned a lot about my friends and my acquaintances; I think I can define the two much better now. For that, I am thankful.