Tuesday, January 24, 2006

DVR-Worthy TV

Thank God for my Time Warner DVR (kind of like a TiVo). I can tape all my shows and watch them when I am not busy. I can set that wonderful contraption to tape everytime my shows come on, even if the day gets switched. Not only can I watch them whenever I want, I can also fast forward through the commercials making the viewing much more enjoyable. So these are the shows I highly recommend and that I consider DVR-worthy: Desperate housewives (of course), Grey's Anatomy, Bones, Las Vegas, CSI Vegas and NY, Criminal Minds, ER, Numbers. I am considering that new show Love Monkey but I think I will wait and see if it lasts; nothing I hate worse than getting into a show and having it be cancelled. I haven't found a comedy that I want to watch...the end of Friends was the end of comedy for me. If Sex in the City was still on that would be DVR-worthy and don't even think the TNT version is worthy of what the series really was. I miss those girls.

Now that may seem like a lot of TV, but without the commercials those hour shows are cut back to 40 minutes, a marathon viewing session is usually needed. Speaking of marathons, I am such a sucker for marathons. Especially VH1 marathons like 'I love the 90s' or 'America's Next top Model'. I could watch that crap until my brain dries up.

My favorite ER episode was on 2 weeks ago, "Soccer mom has a stroke". It stars Cynthia Nixon (from Sex in the City) and really does a good job of viewing health care from the patient's perspective. A must see for anyone in health care, especially a neuro unit or stroke unit.


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