Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My life

I don't sleep real well most nights, by that I mean it takes me forever to fall asleep. I think I have become accustomed to sleeping during the day when it is light outside. Night time does funny things to your head and makes every problem you may have seem like Mt. Everest. It is a proven fact that patients in the hospital have more pain during the night and they die more frequently during the night. Most people blame stuff like this on Circadian Rhythms and such but I know the real reason...it is dark, what else are you going to do? I'm not a big fan of the dark as you all know. So when I can't sleep I imagine everything that has happened in my life and how I got to this point right this second. So here is what I came up with....

I left home very young because I was in love; moved in with my boyfriend who later proposed. We were married over a year later and moved to his hometown closer to his job. We were living in his hometown, knew we wanted to live down south so when the opportunity came up we moved to NC courtesy of his employer. We moved to NC without knowing anyone and ended up developing some great friendships. We bought a house and went to the beach frequently. I went to nursing school, mostly by accident. Things were bad at Pete's job so he quit and was unable to find another job. I was working as a nurse with a bunch of travelers and decided that didn't sound like such a bad idea. We put the house up for sale, said good-bye to all our friends, loaded the Explorer and took off for Connecticut.

13 hours in the car, which was packed, with 2 cats. I cried the whole time thinking about my friends. We stayed there for 3 months, Pete worked at Wal-Mart which was an interesting experience. We were 1 1/2 hour train ride outside NYC and we frequently went into the city, it was great. We left CT, lived with his mom in NY for about 10 days before heading on to Ohio. Ohio was a great experience; there was a lot to do, we had an awesome apartment (Polaris) and it was coming up on summer. We stayed here for 9 months, then the hospital said we had to sign-on or leave...I left. Again, leaving some good friends.

Our next stop was NJ ever though we really wanted to head out west. We were 30 miles outside NYC, about a one hour train ride. That part was cool, that was the only cool thing about NJ. We left after 3 months and came back to Columbus. Same apartment complex, same floor at the hospital and happy as can be except my friend had gone traveling out west.

We decided to stay in Columbus, both of us were tired of moving so we bought a house. Made another trip to NC to retrieve our furniture from storage and moved into our new house. The rest is history. No regrets but sometimes I do miss Wilmington, NC and wonder if that was a good decision. I'm sure it was but boy do I miss the beach.

This one thing I have learned, you know who your friends are when you move away.


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