Thursday, May 11, 2006

Poison Ivy

In keeping with my nature I am going to whine. For the second year in a row I have poison ivy. This year isn't as bad as last year but I am also treating it much earlier. Last year we thought it was a fluke, this year we have discovered our entire back property line is poison ivy. Of course we bought this house because the lot out back was open and not going to be developed, that is kicking us in the butt now. Pete hasn't managed to be infected yet so he has been designated the poison ivy killer. He sprayed this week and already everything is dying; I still am not going near it. So much for doing yard work.

Do you all know that poison ivy isn't contagious? Of course if you have the oil on your hands and touch someone it is contagious but the sores themselves are not contagious. Everyone gets all wiggy when you mention poison ivy but it really can't be shared; the person infected gets to suffer in misery alone. If it was contagious Pete would have it by now.

So now I am on Prednisone which I really don't mind, at least it doesn't interfere with my birth control like almost every other drug. A few night sweats, heart palpitations and then I will be fine. With all these steroids I may try to take on that homerun record myself...move over Barry Bonds.


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