Friday, March 31, 2006


I ventured out during the day on my time off which is something I don't normally do. There are a lot of stupid people out in public during the daylight, especially morning hours. I have to wonder if working night shift for all these years has made me intolerant to the people around me. I have to deal with the public during my working hours, but to a much lesser extent. The traffic when I drive to work is generally heading in the opposite direction as me. So when I am trying to get somewhere and there is a person going less than the speed limit in the fast lane I can't stand it. Or when I am trying to park in a parking deck and the person in front of me stops because there is someone walking to their car who may get them a spot 5 feet closer to the door. Out shopping people will clog the entire aisle with a mini family reunion. Cell phones ringing in restaurants that people don't bother to answer. Have people always been like this? Have I just been a night shift nomad for too long?


Blogger Michelle said...

And these people breed. Maybe just because there are more people up here than Wilmington, I think it is overwhelming. Does that mean I have convictions? Wow, my mom will be so proud.

4:19 PM  

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