Monday, March 27, 2006


My family is not very close. I don't look forward to family reunions, I don't hang out with my cousins during the summer. I don't even know the names of my cousins kids. My immediate family is close; my mother, father, and brother. I don't need to live near my family and actually I prefer not to ( 4 hours away is the closest we can live). I tried to be friends with one of my cousins who lived here in town last year and that didn't go so well for me. I prefer to kind of be "on my own". The flip side of that is I do need my family and they are important to me. I talk to my mom almost everyday, I talk to my dad before any large car purchases. We have a bond that is neverending and there is comfort in that bond. As much as they frustrate me, I love them.


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