Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Lighter topic

Okay, enough serious thinking. My head hurt from so much seriousness. This weekend is my first weekend off in quite a few weeks. I have a bachelorette party to go to Saturday and into Sunday but the rest of the time is mine. I hope to get out in the yard and get some work done on my flowerbeds. I know it is a little early but I just can't wait any longer. I want to take out the mulch that is down now and build the beds up with some topsoil, then lay nice fresh mulch. Our builder put the landscaping in and they did a good job but the topsoil is about 3 inches deep and the mulch is 6 inches deep. I need to fix that. My tulips are up about 5 inches now, they will probably start to bloom within a week.

The Forsythia is blooming everywhere now. I love that plant, it is so cheerful after a long winter. This year we are going to put some bushes and flowers around the deck, maybe some Forsythia. It has been so windy this last week. Even if the temperature outside is warm, the wind keeps things cool.

2 more nights of work then 4 wonderful nights off. I can't wait.


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