Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I know I am becoming a blog slacker and I apologize. There have been too many other things going on and a huge lack of motivation. The weather has been my main distraction. The sun is warm again and bright, how can I stay inside? The other issue is a major burnout on life or more importantly work. I think people in healthcare go through burnout about once a year, at least that is my average. This burnout is especially hard for some reason, I'm pretty sure I don't want to take care of anymore people for the rest of my life. They don't teach you in school how emotionally and mentally exhausting it is to take on these patients, their families and all the problems associated with them. In addition, we have had some really sad patients come in the past 3 weeks and that certainly doesn't help. So my goal is no more overtime this summer, maybe the occasional day thrown in but not every week. I need to spend more time at home and with friends, less time with the sick. I know this is common for nurses, I can't speak about the other healthcare professions.

On a positive note, only 27 more days until I head to Phoenix and bring my crazy friend back home. I can't wait for her to live near me again (that is another reason not to work overtime this summer). We will be Thelma and Louise for a few days, look out world.


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