Saturday, April 15, 2006


Today was outside spring cleaning day, talk about exhausting. We managed to get all of our projects done even after 2 extra trips to the Strader's Garden Center. We got the deck all washed and sparkley. The chairs and table is clean and we ate dinner outside tonight. The Sun Shield awning is uncovered and ready to shade the deck. We planted 5 Forsythia bushes at the back of our lot for a little color, those are mulched. We mulched all 9 trees on the lot and added topsoil to 3 of the trees. We planted a new vine bush by the light in the yard that will be real pretty when it blooms. The front flower area got new topsoil and all new mulch. We spread a total of 20 bags of topsoil and 12 bags of mulch. The wheelbarrow worked overtime. It was all worth it when we were done and I will be boring you with pictures.

I am so glad spring is here. The sun felt so good today and the smell in the air was perfumed with blossoms. Our three pear trees have never been prettier and the tulips are beautiful, especially since I didn't think they would bloom again. Even the cats were on the back deck enjoying some fresh air, until the neighbor let his dog outside. It was a great day to be outside and busy, not too hot but just warm enough. These are the days that make winter almost worth it.


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm still amazed that you were able to attach two pics to this blog... You need to show me that trick -- I have been unable to figure out how to post more than one.

12:36 AM  

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