Wednesday, July 26, 2006

10 days.......

10 days until the big birthday. This is my last 10 days when I can say I am in my 20's. My last 10 days to still be part of that elite group of people. Soon I will be in a different category all together. No more 25-29 category for me, I will have to check a different box. In 10 days my first official adult year starts. It will be a sad day. My parents are coming into town to celebrate with me. The plans are a party on Saturday night, very low-key and day for the girls on Sunday...then on "the day" I will be at Easton drinking martinis and doing whatever I want, because I can. I'm going to eat all the fattening food I can and not exercise, because I can.

Birthdays have always been a big deal in my family. We celebrate the day before, day off and day after...every birthday was a 3 day event. Of course I am starting a little earlier this year but there will be no celebration the day after so it doesn't count. I have time off from work so my co-workers won't see me cry when the clock strikes midnight.

I had a patient who told me not to worry about turning 30, this was the best decade of her life. No, I don't go around telling my patients my business, this patient was special. She said when you turn 30 you have a good idea of who you are and where you want to be. You don't have to spend anymore time trying to prove yourself or figure out who you are. There is a calmness about being 30 and a sense of purpose. I hope she is right, in fact I am counting on it.

At least I still get carded when I buy a drink, I'll hold onto that for now.


Blogger Unknown said...

still carded and you worry about 30? Join the crowd princess - it only hurts for a week or so. Besides - those martini's have a embalming effect - that's why you don't show it :)

10:34 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I knew alcohol was good for me, just didn't know why....

1:46 AM  

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