Sunday, August 12, 2007

The blame game

A troubling part of society I have seen lately is the blame game. Everything that happens has to be blamed on someone; nothing can happen just to happen. I understand that denial is a very real part of grief and so is anger, but when does the blame stop? A perfect example is the bridge collapse in Minnesota which was a horrible tragedy. Almost as soon as it happened we were trying to place blame with the DOT, the construction crew repairing the deck, and anyone else remotely involved with the bridge construction. We even went so far as to seek out all bridges constructed in the same manner or with the same plans. Can't a bridge just collapse?

Another example is the mine collapse in Utah. Who is to blame? The mine owner or maybe the foreman for the day who should have foreseen an earthquake coming. The simple fact is that an earthquake occurred and there really is no fault unless you want to go after Mother Nature.

The same thing happens in the hospital. A patient doesn't have the outcome they want and immediately try to blame someone. In therapy, a child blames their parent for unacceptable behavior. When do we stop blaming and start taking responsibility for our actions and feelings? Blame is the easy way out of dealing with a problem.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Another birthday is around the corner and I find myself less than excited. Last year was the big one, the one that had anticipation surrounding every moment; this year is blah. Is it possible that maturity and a strong sense of self has evoked this change? For me to not have a birthday party is huge, in fact, I don't remember the last time I didn't have a birthday party. 30 has hit me hard but not in an entirely bad way. I have discovered a contentment about my life that I never thought was possible. I am content with my marriage, job, house, friends...basically with my life. That is a nice feeling.

A lot of this contentment has to do with accomplishing goals. I had set goals for myself and somehow managed to actually complete the tasks. I am now certified as a neuroscience nurse which was a huge exam, and I have completed by bachelor's degree in nursing. The completion of both these goals has given me a lot of time to relax and reflect on myself and my life. I'm pretty lucky to be in the place I am, there is not more looking around the corner to see if something better is there. This is the best, right here in front of me.

Friends also make a huge difference in life. I have a few close friends who know me and love me as I love them. We all have our own little quirks but that is what makes us human. Knowing they are there when I need them is a huge relief. Being able to trust them is priceless.

"History resurfaces time and time again but sometimes the most important history is the history we're making today" -Meredith on Gray's Anatomy. This is my favorite quote right now and yes I know it came from a TV show but I love the point it makes. Whatever is going on right now is important.