Thursday, February 02, 2006

My night

Last night I took care of a patient who renewed my love of nursing. This patient was cooperative, happy and thankful...that doesn't happen very often. He was eager to take care of himself and had a great sense of humor. I love patients like that who make me want to go to work and make me happy to be a nurse. He had me laughing all night long which made the night go so much quicker. So this is the lesson learned from my awesome patient..."I would rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy".

Another lesson learned, there really is no need to have extra shots of espresso in the Starbucks beverages. So I had to go into work 4 hours early for a meeting. As I was anticipating a 16+ hour shift I stopped at Starbucks and ordered a Cinnamon Dolce Latte with extra espresso. I think I finally calmed down about 8 hours later. Not a good situation as I was pretty sure I was going to have a heart attack. Note to self: don't order extra espresso.

I work with a woman who is passive aggressive, that always makes for an interesting night. She usually leaves me alone and I leave her alone, speaking to each other as little as possible. Apparently last night was 'mess with Michelle night' and I didn't get the memo. I don't take that kind of behavior very well (anyone out there who knows me can see what happened next). Anyhow, I didn't back down and now her panties are all bunched. Let me tell you how I slept today after that interaction...GREAT. I don't know what her point was but it was lost on me. Can't wait to go back tonight, at least my patient is cool.


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