Sunday, February 05, 2006


I watched the first episode of "My Name is Earl" when it first came out...I swear that is the only episode I watched. If you have ever seen it you know that he talks about karma all the time. I don't think I really believed in karma until this week. It is true that what you do will either come back to bite you or reward you. My last post described a perfect night at work, I paid for that comment dearly. I arrived for work on Thursday night, I had a different assignment and actually only had one patient...thank goodness. This was a sick patient and after we put almost every line possible in him he was wild. I mean knockdown, drag out wild. This other nurse and I were literally wrestling with him almost all night. I was exhausted after having only a 20 minute lunch break all movie watching for me. I was sore the next day from wrestling with this man.

My karma turned around the next day when I was able to go shopping with my friend who was in town from Phoenix and another friend who is local. After a martini everything was fine again. Nothing better than a girls afternoon out.


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