Friday, February 17, 2006

Back to work

So it's back to work for this nurse. I am over the worst of my sickness, I hope. My voice is almost back to full strength sometimes so it is time to head out. After 12 hours of constant talking I am a little squeaky on the way home but much better than it was. Yeah for me, now I can start to pick up all that overtime I wanted to work last week but was unable to.

There is a new drink at Starbucks, I haven't tried it yet but maybe tonight on the way in to work. I have to take it easy on my stomach since I am on about every over-the-counter medications you can buy...I may overdose on Ny-Quil. If you think about it, 10% alcohol is really not that much. Maybe for someone who has never drank in their life, but for the average social drinker that is nothing.

So that is my week so far, tomorrow we are heading to the Cirque Du Soleil show downtown. I am really excited about that, this will be our third show. I'll let you know how it is.


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