Thursday, March 02, 2006

Day dreaming

I love to day dream, or awake night dream while I am at work. I get this habit from my mother who is always dreaming. I dream about jobs, friends, money, strangers. My favorite place to day dream is at work. I can look out the windows in the patient's rooms and see downtown Columbus, at night it is beautiful. The highway runs right past the hospital and there is always traffic to watch, no matter what time it is. I like to imagine where people are going, where they are coming from, why they are driving at 3am. Just before shift change it is fun to watch all the day shift employees exiting the highway and pulling into the lots. I can watch the downtown fireworks on July 4th, see the different lights on the buildings (they change for holidays and special remembrances). I had a friend tell me that they only way she got through life was by dreaming, I thought she was crazy at the time but I am starting to understand what she meant. The world is not a nice place, except when I am dreaming. Reality doesn't suck in my world and it is always sunny.

Reading accomplishes the same euphoria for me. I can get involved with the characters in the book, almost believing them to be real. Once I start a book I can't put it down, I get that involved in the reading and story. I could read all the time and never accomplish anything so easily; I have to be so careful when I start a new book so that I won't be neglecting something.

Just a quick reminder that at this time last year we were in Cozumel, heading for Belize. Drinking yard maragaritas at Carlos and Charlies and sitting on the beach. Back to snowed today but not a lot, just a little dusting. I hear those azaleas are beautiful this year.


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